Grand Canyon Deer Farm
March 21st, 2019
49 mins 48 secs
Season 2
About this Episode
Rob and Stephanie finished their weekend trip in Williams with a visit to the beautiful animals of the Grand Canyon Deer Farm. Pat George, who is the owner and operator of the Deer Farm, was kind enough to walk with and narrate as Rob and Stephanie journeyed through the park. Situated just 60 miles south of the Grand Canyon National Park the farm came to be in 1969 which makes the park 50 years young. This farm has more than just reindeers who 'snowbird' from the North Pole, in fact the first animal Rob meets is a camel named Gracie. So join us on this journey through the park and be sure to stop by during your next trip to Williams and visit these animals, some native, some not so native.
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