Arcosanti: An Urban Laboratory


November 21st, 2019

43 mins 26 secs

Season 4

Your Hosts
Special Guest

About this Episode

Laboratories are facilities that allow research, experiments or measurements to be performed. Arcosanti is an Urban Laboratory located in central Arizona. Paolo Soleri started the project with an idea to demonstrate an alternative to urban sprawl. It's an attempt to show how a city can develop and thrive within the beauty and landscape around it. Tim Bell, Director of Communications at Arcosanti, shares the vision of and the continued work that is being done at Arcosanti. We recorded on site amongst the beautiful backdrop of the structures and landscape that Arcosanti calls home. It's truly a beautiful facility that needs to be experienced in person to fully appreciate. Its a short drive north on the Interstate 17 and worthy of your time and support. We were also lucky enough to be able to interview an Italian pianist who was playing that evening. Enjoy!