Not So Native
Episode Archive
Episode Archive
43 episodes of Not So Native since the first episode, which aired on November 11th, 2018.
Ten55 Brewing Company
July 30th, 2020 | Season 5 | 18 mins 50 secs
arizona, az, beer, brats, brew, brewery, chandler, cooper state, day tripping, downtown, drink local, dtphx, forty eight state, goodyear, grand canyon state, history, hops, litchfield park, local, local first az, micro, native, old pueblo, phoenician, phoenix, phx, pilsner, pima, podcast, restaurant, scottsdale, travel, tucson, uarizona
Ten55 Brewing Company in Tucson, Arizona.
Chef Maria Mazon of BOCA Tacos y Tequila
July 23rd, 2020 | Season 5 | 38 mins 11 secs
arizona, art, az, boca, bomb tacos, chandler, chef, chopped, cooper state, day tripping, downtown, dtphx, forty eight state, goodyear, grand canyon state, history, kiss, litchfield park, man v food, native, old pueblo, phoenician, phoenix, phx, podcast, scottsdale, sonora, tacos, travel, tucson, usa today, visit tucson
Sit down with Chef Maria Mazon of BOCA Tacos y Tequila in Tucson, Arizona
Dennis Arnold of Barrio Brewing Co.
July 18th, 2020 | Season 5 | 1 hr 40 secs
arizona, az, beer, brewery, brewpub, chandler, cooper state, day tripping, dtphx, employee owned, entrepreneur, forty eight state, goodyear, grand canyon state, history, litchfield park, local, native, phoenician, phoenix, phx, podcast, scottsdale, travel, tucson
We chat with fellow native and all around good guy Dennis Arnold. Dennis tells the story of how Arizona's oldest brewery grew into the 100% employee owned brewpub it is today.